
As we have seen in the previous study, a calculated and methodical planned-out innings can propel the team batting first to gain an upper hand in winning the match. The most important aspects are keeping wickets in hand and playing out the middle overs well. This can significantly boost their chances of winning the game as we have seen in our research of games in the previous 12 years. 

Runs per Over

Safe run-rate during phases

As we delve deeper, Today we take a look into how the batting team can go about constructing their innings. With the inclusion of annual fluctuation of runs by 3 in each year, it was deduced IPL 2021 should have safe scores in the region of 170-175. And so it hit that targets A moderate way to get to the running scores is managing an economy of 7.5 in the powerplay, 8.0 in the middle overs, and 10.2 in the death, All though to keep in mind these are just guidelines, and having a decent run rate with wickets in hand is of more importance

The myth of hard-hitting in death overs

Improvement of winning proportion by each phase

While each team does focus on the death overs, saving their hard-hitting batsmen for the final overs. How much of the runs scored in the death actually contribute to a team winning the game. Taking a much deeper look into this it was found, while the huge runs scored in the death are in focus. The high-scoring death overs only added upto 68.1 percent chances of winning a game, while a moderately scored death summed up for 58.3 percent. In contrast to middle overs, which shows more proportions to winning the game than the end overs.


So as we conclude with our study,, To reach the safe scores to boost the chances of a team batting first. High-scoring middle overs are of main focus as they improve winning percentages from 62 percent to 70 percent. The myth of hard-hitting in power-play improves that chance to only 62 percent and hard-hitting in death overs improves that chance to only 68 percent, while equally, a well-played high-scoring middle over can further increase those chances to 69.6 percent.

The best strategy for teams to adopt beginning with the powerplay is to score 8-9 runs per over which is safe and making sure the team doesn't lose more than one wicket. Coming to the middle overs, it's crucial the team score around 8 runs per over never losing more than 2 wickets. Approaching the power play, two big hits each over ensuring 10-12 runs per over. With wickets saved from the powerplay and middle overs ensuring a 20 run difference.

The first down batsmen during the power-play and the average partnership t would be crucial aspects in the first phase. Playing out the second phase, a safe score of 80 or a highly safe score of 91 during middle overs with a loss of two wickets meant two decent partnerships of 35-40 runs in each can be useful for a win. One needs a hard-hitter batsman at 4th or 5th position in the batting lineup consequently after losing 1 wicket during the power play and 2 in middle overs. Teams with such configuration could afford to win matches even without the big names

Let us know your thoughts about what you think about this study and how it has helped enhance your cricketing knowledge so far. With much more studies to come, Our next area of focus will be an in-depth analysis into the second innings. Stay tuned for more.

Stats Credits: Argyadip Ganguly